When the Saints Go Marching In
(Когда святые маршируют)
Одна из самых популярных тем у музыкантов традиционного джаза. Среди лучших
интерпретаторов этой темы – трубачи Луи Армстронг, Банк Джонсон, тромбонист
Кид Ори и многие другие.

Незабываемые мелодии джаза (Темы для импровизаций). Сост. А.
М. Моисеев. Вып. 1. СПб, «Пастораль», 1997
When the Saints Go Marching In
(Когда святые маршируют)
I am just a lonesome traveller,
Through this big wide world of sin;
Want to join that grand procession,
When the saint go marchin´in.
Oh when the saint go marchin´in,
Oh when the saint go marchin´in,
Lord I want to be in that number
When the saint go marchin´in.
All my folks have gone before me,
All my friends and all my kin;
But I'll meet with them up yonder,
When the saint go marchin´in.
Oh when the saint go marchin´in,
Oh when the saint go marchin´in,
I will meet them all up in heaven,
When the saint go marchin´in.
Come and join me in my journey,
'cause it's time that we begin;
And we'll be there for that judgement,
When the saint go marchin´in.
Oh when the saint go marchin´in,
Oh when the saint go marchin´in,
We will be in line for that judgement,
When the saint go marchin´in.
And when the stars begin to shine (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
And when the stars begin to shine
When Gabriel blows in his horn (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
When Gabriel blows in his horn
And when the sun refuse to shine (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
When the sun refuse to shine
And when the moon has turned the blood (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
When the moon has turned the blood
And when they crown him King of Kings (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
When they crown him King of Kings
And when they gather round the throne (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
When they gather round the throne
And on that halleluja day (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
On that halleluja day
And while the happy ages roll (bis)
Then Lord let me be in that number
While the happy ages roll