Chattanooga Choo Choo
(Чаттануга чу-чу)
Г. Уоррен
Чаттануга - название города в США, где родилась певица Бесси Смит.
Тема написана Гарри Уорреном в 1941 году и впервые прозвучала в исполнении
оркестра Г. Миллера в фильме "Серенада солнечной долины".

Незабываемые мелодии джаза (Темы для импровизаций). Сост. А.
М. Моисеев. Вып. 2. СПб, «Пастораль», 1998
Chatanooga Choo-Choo
by Harry Warren
Text by Mack Gordon
me, boy
Is that the Chatanooga Choo-Choo
Track twenty nine,
Boy, you can give me a shine,
I can afford
To board a Chatanooga Choo-Choo,
I've got my fare
And just a trifle to spare.
leave the Pensylvania station 'bout a quarter to four,
Read a magazine and then you're in Baltimore,
Dinner in the diner,
Nothing could be finer
Than to have ham n' eggs in Carolina,
When you hear the whistle blowing eight to the bar
Then you know that Tennessee is not very far,
Shovel all the coal in,
Gotta keep it rollin'
Woo, Woo, Chattanooga there you are.
gonna be
A certain party at the station
Satin and lace
I used to call a funny face
She's gonna cry
Until I tell her that I'll never roam,
So Chattanooga Choo-Choo,
Won't you choo-choo me home.
So Chattanooga Choo-Choo,
Won't you choo-choo me home.